Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Big Spider

Found in our yard today. Correction!! Jaden, a junior arachnologist who is also a Feingold friend, said that he doesn't think it's a black widow. He called it a "yellow garden orb weaver". He assures me that you have no need to be afraid of it. They aren't poisonous and it won't bite you.
This is from Mom--Thanks, Jaden, but I'm still scared to death over it! :)

BLACK WIDOWS GENUS: Latrodectus Black Widows, with their shiny black bodies and bright red markings, are probably our most distinctive cobweb spiders. Below left is a female black widow. The male is below right. Males have a more vibrant pattern on their abdomen than females, with many red and white spots. Male black widow spiders are rarely encountered, and are not known to bite humans. There are two species of black widow found in Kentucky, the Northern and Southern Black Widow. Both species have shiny black bodies with red markings, and both are in the genus Latrodectus. Black widows are fairly large cobweb spiders, with body lengths up to about 1/2."

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

For Uncle Charlie

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

What Kind of Punctuation Mark Are You?

JT is an Exclamation Point!!!!!!!!!! This describes him pretty well.

You Are An Exclamation Point

You are a bundle of... well, something.

You're often a bundle of joy, passion, or drama.

You're loud, brash, and outgoing. If you think it, you say it.

Definitely not the quiet type, you really don't keep a lot to yourself.

You're lively and inspiring. People love to be around your energy.

(But they do secretly worry that you'll spill their secrets without even realizing it.)

You excel in: Public speaking

You get along best with: the Dash

Friday, April 4, 2008

Here is a how-to guide for photoshop elements 6.0

Ok I guess you saw my mom's April fool's joke about us adopting again, some of you wanted to know how I did it so I'm posting a guide on how-to make funny faces in photoshop.

What you need:

  • Adobe photoshop elements 6.0 or higher. (about $75 at Wal-Mart.)

  • Two or more pictures of a family member with about the same lighting. (so parts of the face aren't brighter than the other.)

Here are the photos we used.

If you notice Luci's head is slightly turned, try to avoid that if possible.

These pictures all have about the same lighting.

My dads picture was taken in another room but the lighting is still almost the same as the pictures above.

How to do it:

1. When you bring up photoshop it will ask you what you want to do, click the "EDIT" option, it will also ask you if you want to register just choose the register later option. Upload your pictures into photoshop.

2. Choose the face you want to use as your main face. (In the April fool's joke we used Luci's face as the main background face.)

3. Ok lets do the eyes first, lets use my dads eyes. Choose his picture and then look at the tools on the upper left, there is a tool that looks like a rectangular dotted line, if you highlight it its called the Rectangular marquee tool. Highlight one of his eyes, (It doesn't matter if you highlight a big section I'll tell you how to fix that later.)

4. One of the eyes should have a moving dotted line going around it. Select the moving tool, it looks like a black or grey cursor at the top of the tools section. What you do now is drag and drop the eye onto the main picture. (In our case its Luci's picture.) You might be thinking, "This doesn't look like what I saw on Susan's blog, it just looks like I put part of a picture on top of another!", Well that's true all you did was put one picture on top of another. If you want me to tell you how to do the rest then call 900-555-4454 and you can order Bryan's awesome photoshop skillz for only 3 payments of $19.95!!! But order in the next 10 minutes and it only costs $65.95!!!!

5. Just kidding, what you do next is move the picture over Luci's actual eye and select the eraser tool, its near the bottom. No this won't erase Luci's picture but it will erase the extra part of the copied eye, so erase all the parts of the eye that you don't need. You can stretch and skew the eye so it fits correctly.

6. Well that's basically it, just follow the previous steps for the rest of the body parts! Our finished picture is at the top of this post.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Why do they call them "Archers?"

My Theory is because the arrows make an arch in the air. The bow is shaped like an arch, too. We looked it up on and that's what they said, too. My friend Clay gave me a toy bow and arrow set and I've been driving my mom nuts with it. It's a lot of fun!

This image is from Mom says this is Errol Flynn.

Lunch at the Palace

My mom took me to the PALACE, and I got gumbo. It makes my mom sick to see me eat the craw-dads in the gumbo.
My dad had to babysit Luci in his office.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Luci decided that she wanted to write today so here she goes!
This is Bryan and I'm Luci I'm going to ask you a few questions and I need you to answer them.
Q. What is your favorite soup?
A. Um that one.
Q. What is your favorite movie?
A. Um that one.
Q. What are yo doing right now?
A. Um daddy.
Q. What type of tricycle is that?
A. Um its pink!
Q. What is your favorite thing to do?
A. Mommy.
Q.What else do you like?
A. J.T.
Q. What about me, don't you like me too?
A. Yes.
Q. What is your favorite dress?
A. Yes, that one.
Q. What's your favorite TV show?
A. Luci.
Q. What's your favorite food?
A. Grape juice.
Q. What is your favorite drink?
A. Water.
Q. What is your favorite thing to do?
A. Church, church, church.
Q. Anything else you want to tell me?
A. Yes.
Q. Ok then what do you want to be when you grow up?
A. A princess. You, you, your the prince.
Ok thank you Luci, I think we all learned something about you today.
By the way, everything Luci said up there is exact, I didn't change any of it.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Look At My Muscles!

I'm in a musical at church called Power. I play Erik von Strongman, a muscleman like Arnold Schwarzenegger. This is my costume.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Princess Time!

Today Luci and I made a short film. The Battle of the Super Princess'.

Sadly in the movie, Luci lost, BUT! Luci has decided that she wants to be in a actual movie, you can read the script below.

Color Code:
Pink: Princess
Blue: Prince
Light Blue: Evil step sister
Green: Inatimate Objects
White: Camera and script support

[Scene 1]
Princess: I must go to the ball! But I don’t have a pretty dress!
[Change camera angle]
Magic wall, give me what I need!
[The Princess goes through the wall, and when she comes out the other side she will have a pretty dress.]
[End Scene]

[Scene 2]
Prince: Get ready the ball will start in 15 minutes!
[Camera pans around the Prince]
[Scene changes]
Princess: Get in the carriage quick!
[The Princess gets into the 2007 Honda Odyssey.]
[The carriage goes really fast]
[End Scene]

[Scene 3]
Prince: Ok here come the guests!
[Scene changes]
Princess: We’ve got to hurry! Run!
[Scene changes]
[The Prince welcomes the guests]
Prince: Welcome, welcome, welcome.
[Scene changes]
Princess: Hurry, their closing the doors!
[The Princess barely gets through the doors]
[End scene]

[Scene 4]
[The camera pans around the Prince showing the Princess running up the walkway]
Prince: Welcome.
Princess: I love you.
[The Prince and Princess are talking, then a there is a beeping noise]
[The clock shows 12:00]
Princess: I’ve got to go!
[Scene changes]
Prince: What, where?
[Scene changes]
Princess: I’ve just got to go!
[The Princess runs off and the Prince follows but finds her slipper on the ground]
[End scene]

[Scene 5]
[The Princess is at home crying]
Princess: I will never see him again!
[There is a knock on the door]
Door: Knock, knock, knock!
Prince: Hello?
Princess: Who is it?
Prince: It is I, the Prince, I am looking all over the city to find my Princess!
Evil step sister: Humph, I bet he’s here for me!
[The step sister opens the door]
Hello, I think you have my slipper!?
Prince: You don’t look the same?
Evil step sister: Well I am the same! Humph!!
[The step sister sits in a chair and tries the slipper on]
Prince: I’m sorry but I don’t think it fits you.
Evil step sister: It does and it will! Why the nerve!! Ugh!
Prince: Does anyone else live here besides you?
Evil step sister: No! Ugh!
Princess: Um, I do.
[The Princess sits down and tries the slipper on]
Prince: It fits!
Princess: It fits!
Evil step sister: Ugh? It, it, fits!? Ugh?!
[End scene]

[Scene 6]
[The Prince and the Princess drive off and live happily ever after]
[Camera is in the car]
[Change camera angle]
[Camera watches the carriage go down the street]
[End scene]

Thats the script! I hope you like it. I put the colors on the actual script to so it would be easier to read.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Your favorite cheese

If you selected 'Other' in the cheese poll put your answer here.
My mom locked us out of the house last night.

Luckily Luci and I had enough whisky to hold us over until we got inside.

Ok heres how it happend.

We were getting ready for church and while my mom puts her shoes on she decides to leave her keys on the dryer. I go outside with Luci and buckle her into her seat, I get in the front seat and buckle up while my mom sets the alarm. Right when she closes the door she screamed "My KEYS!" (J.T. was at a friends house and my dad was already at church)

So were outside for about ten minutes trying to get a hold of my dad on the phone, guess what, he doesn't pick up. So I'm looking for a way in and I found an unlocked window, so I take of my shoes so I can get inside faster, right as I open the window the alarm goes off. I rush to turn it off, and my mom comes inside to get the phone because the alarm company is supposed to call to make sure were ok. (this whole time Luci was in here seat and unable to get out, and she didn't see us for about five minutes.)

In the end we made it to church only about ten minutes late.

THE END!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

!Gaming Update!

Today the gaming update is for:

Call of Duty 4
Modern Warfare

This game is a fictional story where you have to stop Al Asad the Russian leader, he is willing to fire eight nukclear warheads at the United States. In the game you have to stop him before it gets to that point.

In the game you have access to most of the modern day weapons, such as the MP5, as seen in the picture below.

British SAS: Speed, Aggresion, Surprise.

In the game you play as two diffrent charactors, when your the SAS your name is 'Soap' and when your on the Marines your name is Jackson. Theres a picture of the Marines below.

If you look closly at the Marine's machine gun you can see a round coming out of the chamber, thats how good the graphix are in this game.

Well thats just about it for the gaming update.