Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Big Spider

Found in our yard today. Correction!! Jaden, a junior arachnologist who is also a Feingold friend, said that he doesn't think it's a black widow. He called it a "yellow garden orb weaver". He assures me that you have no need to be afraid of it. They aren't poisonous and it won't bite you.
This is from Mom--Thanks, Jaden, but I'm still scared to death over it! :)

BLACK WIDOWS GENUS: Latrodectus Black Widows, with their shiny black bodies and bright red markings, are probably our most distinctive cobweb spiders. Below left is a female black widow. The male is below right. Males have a more vibrant pattern on their abdomen than females, with many red and white spots. Male black widow spiders are rarely encountered, and are not known to bite humans. There are two species of black widow found in Kentucky, the Northern and Southern Black Widow. Both species have shiny black bodies with red markings, and both are in the genus Latrodectus. Black widows are fairly large cobweb spiders, with body lengths up to about 1/2."

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